Aquarium Garden

Through building and maintaining beautiful nature aquaria people re-learn the intricate connections between forms of life, plants, fish, microorganism and humans. Riches and beauty come from harmony, from balance. Aquaria are great teachers of this truth. Takashi Amano


Cladophora aegagropila

Cladophora aegagropila (Moss Ball) is not really a plant, but a ball of algae, so it is a decorative exception from the rule about avoiding algae at all costs. It is normally found in shallow lakes, where the movement of the waves forms it into a sphere. In an aquarium it must be turned regularly to keep it in shape. C. aegagropila can be divided into smaller pieces, which become spherical with time, or which form a carpet, if attached to roots and stones. Protected in parts of Japan.
Height; 3-10cm Width; 3-10cm Light; very low-high Temp; 5-28'C
pH; 6-8.5 Growth; very slow Demands; Easy

Text from Tropica
Photo by Dusko Bojic